(De)regulating access to tourism and hospitality professions: The case of Portugal


  • Faruk Seyitoğlu Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP), University of Aveiro, Portugal. Faculty of Tourism, Mardin Artuklu University, Türkiye. Zangador Research Institute. Email: fseyitoglu@ua.pt
  • Carlos Costa Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT), University of Aveiro, Portugal. Email: ccosta@ua.pt
  • Mariana Martins Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism. Member of the Research Unit of Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP), University of Aveiro, Portugal. Email: marianasantosmartins@ua.pt https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7983-0493
  • Ana Maria Malta Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism. Member of the Research Unit of Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP), University of Aveiro, Portugal. Email: a.mariavieira@ua.pt




Deregulation, tourism and hospitality labour, access to professions, Bolkestein Directive, policymakers


This study explores the perceptions of key stakeholders responsible for tourism and hospitality (T&H) organisations in Portugal regarding deregulating access to professions in T&H labour. A qualitative research approach was utilised. Through in-depth interviews, data was collected purposefully from the participants. According to the qualitative findings, opinions on regulating and deregulating professions in T&H labour emerged as against deregulation, against regulation, and moderate. However, most opinions fall under the against deregulation category. Moreover, deregulating access to the profession has both positive and negative impacts, and the influences of deregulation on working models include two sub-themes: self-employment and accumulation of functions. Finally, policymakers' responses to deregulation include elements such as the increase in the number of associates that joined associations, the partnership of associations with educational institutions to create certifications, and the creation of unions for specific positions. This research contributes valuable insights from key stakeholders on the deregulation of professions in T&H labour in Portugal, providing policymakers and scholars with a better understanding of the viewpoints on regulating and deregulating professions in this sector.

Author Biography

Carlos Costa, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT), University of Aveiro, Portugal. Email: ccosta@ua.pt

Dr Carlos Costa is a Full Professor (Professor Catedrático) at the Department (School) of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT) of the University of Aveiro. He is also a Tourism Expert at the European Commission and President of the Portuguese National Tourism Platform. Carlos is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Tourism & Development (Revista de Turismo e Desenvolvimento) (SCOPUS), and Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Destination Marketing Management (SCOPUS), and of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SCOPUS). He is also the Senior Advisor of Tourism Review (SCOPUS). He holds a PhD and MSc in Tourism Management (University of Surrey, UK) and a BSc in Urban and Regional Planning (University of Aveiro, Portugal).




How to Cite

Seyitoglu, F., Costa, C., Martins, M., & Malta , A. M. . (2025). (De)regulating access to tourism and hospitality professions: The case of Portugal. European Journal of Tourism Research, 39, 3913. https://doi.org/10.54055/ejtr.v39i.3841

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