The Pink Store: A unique tourism enterprise at the US-Mexico border


  • Tomás Cuevas ICSA, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juarez, Av. Heroico Colegio Militar s/n, Zona Chamizal, 32310 Ciudad Juárez, CHIH, Mexico; phone: +52 (656) 688 38 00 Ext. 3683 – 3745; email:
  • Dani Blasco Faculty of Tourism, Business Management Department, University of Girona, Plaça Josep Ferrater i Móra, 1, 17004 Girona, Spain; phone: +34 972 419 512; email:
  • Dallen J. Timothy School of Community Resources and Development, Arizona State University, 411 N. Central Avenue, Suite 550, Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA; phone: +1 602 496 1566; email:



international borders, border crossing, tourism enterprise, shopping, novelty, repeat customers, anchor attraction.


This case study examines the unique situation of the Pink Store in Palomas, Chihuahua, Mexico, a small town and crossing point on the US-Mexico frontier. This case is unique and interesting because of how managers have recognised the value of the international border and capitalised on it as a positive experience for day-trippers from the United States. Consequently, they developed certain practices that have positioned the store as a well-recognised icon in the larger region, allowing them to take advantage of the border and the commercial opportunities it creates. The management actions are both product- and service-led, and marketing-oriented. As a result, the Pink Store represents a distinctive border attraction that is characterised as an all-inclusive attraction, exotic and foreign, yet secure and oriented to its major market: residents of the USA.

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How to Cite

Cuevas, T., Blasco, D., & Timothy, D. (2016). The Pink Store: A unique tourism enterprise at the US-Mexico border. European Journal of Tourism Research, 13, 123–131.