Incorporating sustainability into tourism policy: A strategic agenda for Spain


  • Yaiza López-Sánchez Laboratorio de Análisis e Innovación Turística (LAInnTUR), Departament of Economics, University of Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas s/n, 23071 Jaén, Spain; phone: +34 953212070; e-mail:
  • Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernández Laboratorio de Análisis e Innovación Turística (LAInnTUR), Departament of Economics, University of Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas s/n, 23071 Jaén, Spain; phone: +34 953212070; e-mail:



sustainability, tourism policy, policymakers, value chain, Spain.


Recent literature recognises that sustainability, as well as a shifting approach to responsibility in tourism production and consumption, may be a differentiator in the positioning of destinations in tourism markets, especially in the most demanding ones. Likewise, it is acknowledged that it will be difficult to make progress in tourism sustainability without a direct, clear and resolute involvement of policymakers in destinations management. Therefore, the incorporation of the paradigm of sustainability in tourism policy is a key issue.
This paper proposes a methodology for incorporating sustainability into tourism policy. Using qualitative analysis techniques (Delphi and focus group), an assessment is carried out, leading to the subsequent design of a strategic agenda for incorporating sustainability into Spanish tourism policy. Spain has been chosen as one of the world’s top tourism destinations, which is also currently undergoing a restructuring process of its tourism model, too dependent on coastal tourism, which is considered exhausted, obsolete and lacking in competitiveness.




How to Cite

López-Sánchez, Y., & Pulido-Fernández, J. (2014). Incorporating sustainability into tourism policy: A strategic agenda for Spain. European Journal of Tourism Research, 7, 57–78.